How good is 1100 chess rating and how to get it quickly

1100 chess rating monkey

How good is 1100 chess rating? It depends on where you play, how long you’ve played and your own chess goals. But no matter what: I’m proud of you! 1100 is a decent chess rating. Now let me answer all your questions about 1100 elo in chess.

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This week’s challenge: gain as much rating as possible for free within the 7 day free trial period of a Diamond membership. (Average community result so far: 173 elo increase.)
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How good is a 1100 chess rating?

An elo rating of 1100 in chess means that youโ€™re just about an intermediate player. You know the basics of chess, and in your good games you play without many big blunders. But in your bad games, you basically look like you started playing chess yesterday.

Chess rating (elo)LevelHow you play
< 800NoviceYou hang your queen 4 times per game
800 – 1099BeginnerYou play pretty well and then you blunder your queen. You know only 2 openings.
1100 – 1399IntermediateYou can play all the common openings, but you blunder forks when you get tired.
1400 – 1699Advanced intermediateYou donโ€™t blunder pieces away anymore. If you lose itโ€™s because you played inaccurately and you lost a pawn.
1700 – 1999AdvancedPeople need to come at you with very challenging positions if they want you to make an inaccuracy.
2000 – 2299ExpertYou hold your own in almost any position. Your biggest enemies are stress and fatigue.
Table: what your chess elo rating really means (based on ratings on

Is 1100 elo a good chess rating?

It depends! If youโ€™re a total beginner playing rapid on, 1100 is not a bad rating. But if you have some experience, studied some chess courses, and really practiced, you expect to have a higher elo.

And if youโ€™re a 1100 rated player on Lichess itโ€™s less good than if you have 1100 elo on And if you play Blitz, 1100 is more impressive than if you play Rapid.

Also read: Chess rating converter: to Lichess to FIDE

What does a 1100 elo chess rating mean?

The math behind the elo rating system works out in such a way that every difference of 100 elo points corresponds to a 65% chance to win. So for example if a 1100 elo player plays against a 1200 elo player, the 1200 elo player has a 65% chance to win.

You can read what this means for you if youโ€™re a 1100 elo rated player.

Elo player 1 vs elo player 2Win chance for the 1100 rated player
1100 vs 80085%
1100 vs 90075%
1100 vs 100065%
1100 vs 110050%
1100 vs 120035%
1100 vs 130025%
1100 vs 140015%
Table: What the math behind your elo chess rating says about how good you are at 1100

How many people have a 1100 chess rating?

Approximately 33 millions people in the world have a chess rating of 1100 or more on Thatโ€™s about 53% of all chess players, and about 0.5% of all people on earth.

And about 4 million people have a chess rating between 1100 and 1199.

In the table below you can read what percentile of people have 1100 elo on, Lichess, FIDE and USFC.

Chess rating (elo) percentileFIDE percentileLichess percentileUSFC percentile
2000 to 209998%90%99%96%
1900 to 199996%84%99%94%
1800 to 189994%77%98%91%
1700 to 179990%70%96%87%
1600 to 169984%61%94%82%
1500 to 159977%52%90%77%
1400 to 149970%47%84%72%
1300 to 139961%42%77%67%
1200 to 129952%37%70%62%
1100 to 119947%25%61%57%
1000 to 109942%15%52%52%
900 to 99937%7%47%48%
800 to 89930%3%42%43%
700 to 79922%1%37%37%
600 to 69915%1%25%31%
Table: Chess rating percentiles distribution shows what’s a good chess rating on, Lichess, FIDE and USFC

Also read: What is a Good Chess Rating? (with Percentile Calculator)

How long does it take to get to 1100 chess rating?

How long it takes to get to 1100 chess rating depends on how much you practice. And on how SMART you practice. If you study with a Diamond membership, you get better much faster. If you use theire premium resources you can become 1100 in 2 weeks, without them it might take 3 months.

Chess ratingHow long to get this rating (with Diamond)How long to get this rating (without learning resources)
10001 week2 months
11002 weeks3 months
12004 weeks6 months
13006 weeks9 months
14002 months1 year
15002.5 months2 years
16003 monthsProbably never
Table: How long it takes to get to 1000 – 1600 chess rating with and without learning resources

Also read: Diamond Review: Is Diamond worth it?

How to easily get to 1100 chess rating (and blow past it)

You can get to 1100 rating in chess very easily. All you have to do is join the Diamond club.

In fact, I think you can gain 300 rating points within 2 weeks if this is the first time you’re using a Diamond membership. membershipRating increase (within 2 weeks)
Basic (free)+0
Table: How many elo points you will gain in 1 or 2 weeks with which membership

Why can you improve so much when you join the Diamond club?

Because you get a bunch of great study tools: game reviews, coach explanations, insights, lessons and puzzles.

Chess study toolRating increase (within 2 weeks)
Playing games like normal+0
Chess puzzles+25
Chess lessons+25
Game review+50
Coach explanations+100
Table: How many elo points you can gain when you use the different features of

These tools use artificial intelligence to analyze your chess games. They tell you for every move how good it was and what the best move would have been. And they even recommend lessons based on your common mistakes and playing patterns.

10 years ago only guys like Magnus Carlsen had access to this kind of technology. Now you can get it too. I’m confident this will have a huge impact on you and your chess rating. And you can even try it out for free for 7 days with the link below.

Get the Diamond membership here (7 day free trial)

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